The Preselis and Gors Fawr, Wales

Horses and sheep roam free in the Preselis.

Looking north to the Preselis Mountains, close to the source of the Stonehenge bluestones, 250 miles away.  The Nevern Valley is just beyond these mountains to the north, which is where XRF testing of a quarry indicated the closest elemental match to the Stonehenge bluestones.

View to the southwest of Gors Fawr Stone Circle, south of the Preseli Mountains.  A bit over 72' in diameter, the ring is made up of sixteen small (2'-3' high) standing stones, including one bluestone, which rise in height toward the south.  Not far to the north are two outliers, each about six feet tall.  I haven't found any good dates yet for when it may have been built, but its likely to have been in the Neolithic or early Bronze Age.

Roughly in the middle of the stone circle

View to the west

Looking north to the Preselis and the two outliers

One of the two outliers, this is known as the Dreaming Stone.  Whether it was shaped like a chair for the purpose of sitting and daydreaming thousands of years ago, I know not.  But that's what its used for now.

View of the two outliers, Dreaming Stone in the foreground, looking to the southwest.

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